Find Commercial Cleaning Contracts

Join the 1000s of Cleaners we have matched to new customers in 2023.

Simple, transparent, secure

Only pay to contact leads that you choose. You keep the customers and any money you earn.

Find Cleaning Contracts Now

Join the leading service marketplace where millions of customers search for services in 1000+ categories. Find your next job on Bark now.




Professionals use Bark


Leads a day

Daily business done on Bark

No commission

Credit return policy*

Get hired guarantee**

No hidden fees

Great value

Peace of mind

We offer a 20% discount on your starter pack with enough credits for you to respond to about 10 customers.

A little help from Bark

With the get hired guarantee, if you don't get hired with your first pack we'll give you all your credits back.

Create your profile

Setting up your profile as a professional is free and easy.

Simple, powerful platform

Use the Bark App to view leads on the go and respond to customers in seconds.

Get new customers anywhere

Respond to leads seamlessly

Our simple profile editor enables you to share details about your business, images of past projects and reviews from happy customers.

Create a winning profile

Get instant notifications about new leads in your area. Be the first to respond and increase your chances of success.

Spend less time looking for customers and more time earning money.

Find Cleaning Contracts Now

Reach more customers

Gain recognition for your great work through reviews. Great reviews improve your chances to get hired.

The power of customers reviews

Boost your visibility

Fill gaps in your schedule and find new customers for your business.

Attract new customers

Triple your exposure to customers and increase your chances to get hired by 70% with an Elite Pro subscription.

Promote your business with powerful marketing tools.

** If you don't get hired with your first pack, we'll give you all credits back.

* If an unverified phone number is invalid or if the contact details are not for the right person, we will return your credits immediately.

Help when you need it

Speak to our UK-based Customer Success team available 24/7 to help you.

Speak to real people

Support centre

Access helpful tips, articles and videos to get the most out of Bark.

We're committed to helping our 500,000  professionals thrive, with support and guidance for businesses big and small

Talk to us

Reach our Customer Success team by email or phone whenever you have a question.

Connect with Sales

Find the best deal for your business size. Connect with our dedicated Sales team.

Get your free account

If you haven't signed up yet, now is the time. We can't wait to see how you can help our customers.

Create your profile

Highlight the service(s) you provide and indicate the area you operate.

Reach out to customers

Get your starter pack and reach out to customers looking for your services.

Create Your Profile Now


For Professionals


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Find Commercial Cleaning Contracts

Join the 1000s of Cleaners we have matched to new customers in 2023.

Find Cleaning Contracts Now